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sunflower oil bottle

Cold Pressed, Unrefined, Has a mild sunflower taste, Medium Heat

We make this oil out of EU organic sunflower seeds in our BIO ÖLMÜHLE (organic oilmill) in Grünsfeld Germany. The oil is filtered only not refined.

827 - Sunflower Oil unrefined, 8.4 FL OZ

SKU: 827

    Seitenbacher America LLC
    11505 Perpetual Drive
    Odessa, FL 33556 USA - Tampa Bay

    Owner: Willi Pfannenschwarz

    PH: (727) 376 3000

    Mo - Fr   8am - 5pm, ET

    About us

    Seitenbacher is a owner managed company. Established 1980 in south west Germany. Our philosophy has always been to manufacture delicious HEALTH FOOD products for customers to live a long healthy life. We are dedicated in delivering outstanding high quality, all natural and unique products made in Germany. We started a small distribution center in Tampa Bay Florida to provide service to our US customers.

    Thank you for shopping with us

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